LET FREEDOM RING!: Liberating the Captives - Bringing Down the Cabal! - TRUTH vs. DECEPTION - Liberty vs. Tyranny

3 months ago

While the worldwide child-trafficking network was made known to the world by the blockbuster movie Sound of Freedom, released on Independence Day, July 4, 2023, a knowledge of this egregious crime was first revealed to the world in March of 2016, 7 years and 4 months earlier. As is documented herein, it was immediately covered up by the once-trusted Establishment Press.

This first public scandal involving key high-level political operatives in Washington, D.C., was followed just seven months later by the leaking of Hillary Clinton Campaign Manager John Podesta's emails to Julian Assange's Wikileaks, where they were published for all the world to see in October of 2016, just in time for the 2016 Presidential Election. This resulted in the murder-for-hire of the Democratic campaign worker responsible for the leak. The National Media once more circled the wagons to squelch the story, absurdly proclaiming the hunt for the killer to be a violation if the victim's family's privacy, and therefore completely off limits.

That scandal was followed with children being sold online in July of 2020, some three years and nine months later. As with each of the scandals before it, this one was also declared off limits by a dutiful press corps. In this book, the author details both the crimes and the coverups, for all the world to see. As the veteran writer of seventeen previous books, he not only provides evidence, but inarguable proof - for all who wish to see the unvarnished truth. Only hardcore deniers of obvious, well-documented facts could claim that any of the above is unproven or untrue...and in so doing will make perfectly clear their stance in the struggle of good versus evil. There simply is no middle ground!

All of this preceded the release of the Sound of Freedom; and of course, it too has been attacked by the same complicit apologists for all that is evil. This book makes known the irrefutable facts of each of the four scandals and those who uniformly defend all of them...while attacking those who courageously stand on the side of truth.

This book is an absolute must-read for all who wish to stand on the side of good, in the on-going, eternal battle with evil!

To order this "Let Freedom Ring - Liberating the Captives and Bringing Down the Caba!" click on the following link below:


Foreword by Dr. Robert O. Young

The author, T. M. Ballantyne, Jr., and I have become well acquainted
over the past ten months, having co-authored two books together during
that time – TRUTH vs. DECEPTION – Liberty vs. Tyranny – Books I8
and II.9 Like me, he does not shy away from exposing evil, while
defending truth – no matter how unpopular.

Much of what follows is taken from an interview of Jordan Harmon, Co
Founder of Angel Studios, and Timothy Ballard, by Tony Robbins, on
his June 30, 2023 podcast,10 four days before the release of The Sound of

Tony Robbins:

“We have all kinds of crises we face, but one of the most ugly, a subject no one wants to talk about, is human trafficking. [….] [The Sound of Freedom] is not a
movie…. It is an action thriller, but it is based on the true story of Tim’s life; a man who left the government, decided he was going to go save these children. [….] This film is the true story, and I have the privilege of being one of the many executive producers of this film, but I’m here to share it with you because it is a mission for all ofus to reach more people.

“Many of you know Sage and I…took my sixtieth birthday, for example, and used it to raise funds in this area; and I was really grateful to have the help of so many of you. We raised $19M that…night: $14M from you; and Sage and I put in [$5M]; and now along with Operation Underground Railroad, and several other groups, like Free a Girl, and the Marici

8 https://www.amazon.com/TRUTH-vs-DECEPTION-Liberty-Covid-19/dp/B0BZF59C17

9 https://www.amazon.com/TRUTH-vs-DECEPTION-Liberty
10 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_KrodgVkfs

Foundation,11 over in Indonesia and India, we’ve been able to participate in funding 28,000 of these rescues. I’ve actually gone out on some.”

Tim Ballard:

‘So this film…depicts a real live event; an event that happened to me and my family…. I spent twelve years in the government, as a special agent, undercover
operator;ten years on the border, and…I got involved in a case…in Columbia, that…required me to kinda’ push the limits, a little further than I was probably supposed to…. ‘Got myself committed emotionally, and otherwise;
and…I was told to come home, because there’s no jurisdiction…and I was devastated, you know; because I knew that if I stayed…we could finish it.

‘And I called my wife; and she said, ‘You’re not coming home…. You’re staying there.’ [….] ‘I thought she was going to give me the out…but she said
to me – and these are a direct quote. She said to me, ‘I will not let you jeopardize my salvation, by not doing this.’

‘Wow! That ended the debate, and we plunged into this crazy case; and that’s kind of the beginning of…the Sound of Freedom; and what happens next is pretty insane.’”

Tony mentioned that while many people would probably think that many of the details of the movie were just there “to make the movie work,” they were, in fact, “exactly as it happened.” He also asked Tim why he chose Jim Caviezel, and how he got him to accept the part. His answer was that aside from his roles in The Count of Monte 11 https://marici.org/ Cristo and The Passion of the Christ, both of which Tim loved, he is “a person of faith,” which is somewhat of a rarity in Hollywood these days.

What he didn’t know was that Jim and his wife of twenty-seven years, Kerri (Browitt), had adopted three young children who had themselves been trafficked So it was easy for him to be passionate about the role.

Tony is the father of five children, though four are now grown, so he too
wanted to do all that he could to protect children across the globe from
this great evil. Thus he contributed greatly – more than any other single
donor – and became an Executive Producer, as mentioned.

In this book, the veteran writer, author of seventeen previous books, lays
out the evidence that child trafficking and sexual abuse are not new. He
also lays bare the proof that those in the media who claim that the
documented scandals covered in the book are the product of fevered
speculation, are either intentionally misleading or have simply ignored
the easily-verified facts.

In a word, according to the author, they don’t know because they have
chosen not to know. Through his meticulous documentation and irrefutable logic, Ballantyne undeniably proves his case. No one who reads this book with an honest heart will come away with any other conclusion.

The attacks on Tim Ballard, the gifted and courageous actor Jim Caviezel who played him, and the now international blockbuster movie Sound of Freedom, are only further proof that they are “over the target.” It is a sad, but well-chronicled fact, that those who are willing to step into the breach to fight evil become lightning rods for those who support it.

This book is yet another nail in the coffin of those engaged in the most evil crime the world has ever seen…and they will stop at nothing to destroy the reputations and lives of all who stand against it; but as Jim Caviezel, the Christ actor, and Tim Ballard, the man he plays in the movie, have proclaimed, “God’s children are not for sale!”

We must all continue this fight…and, in the words of the Declaration of
Independence, “with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence,” we will prevail!

Dr. Robert O. Young

To support the work, research and findings of Dr. Robert O. Young go to: www.givesendgo.com/research

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