Trying Jamba Juice Smoothies For The First Time Ever! Is It Worth The Hype?

8 months ago

Trying Jamba Juice Smoothies For The First Time Ever! Is It Worth The Hype?

Today we are looking for the best smoothie places in Phoenix and we may have just found it. The best drinks at Jamba Juice are the healthiest and they taste amazing. Leftys food review is here to bring you the real.

The Jamba Juice secret menu is a game changer but today we tried 3 of the most popular drinks they had. These drinks were the apple n green smoothie, acai super antioxidant smoothie and the strawberry surfrider smoothie. We also got the Jamba Juice savory pretzel just for the fun of it.

I have to be honest, the green juice detox smoothie was really good to the point , we were shocked.

#healthysmoothie #healthyjuice #jambajuice

Jamba Juice
Address: 4811 N 16th St #102, Phoenix, AZ 85016

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