Free Fall into a Rotating and Charged Kerr Newman Black Hole (Relativistic Raytracing)

6 months ago

Black hole spin: a=0.9, charge: ℧=0.4 (in natural units of G=M=c=k=1). Radial velocity (relative to a local ZAMO): -v_esc=-√[((a²+r²)(℧²-2r))/(a² sin[θ]²(a²+(r-2)r+℧²)-(a²+r²)²)] (free falling from infinity), start position: r=4, black hole inclination: θ=80°. The inclination of the milky way background is 45° relative to the black hole and 35° relative to the observer. The equatorial accretion disk has inner and outer radii rᵢ=isco=1.577, rₐ=7. 1: equirectangular 360°x180° full panorama, 2: stereographic front and rear view. Better quality at (Dropbox), (Google Drive) and (Vimeo). The raytracer uses Doran Raindrop coordinates, for more details see (equations and codes).

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