9 months ago


What does MEDIA PLANNING mean? MEDIA PLANNING meaning - MEDIA PLANNING definition - MEDIA PLANNING explanation. What is the meaning of MEDIA PLANNING? What is the definition of MEDIA PLANNING? What does MEDIA PLANNING stand for? What is MEDIA PLANNING meaning? What is MEDIA PLANNING definition?

Media planning is generally outsourced to a media agency and entails sourcing and selecting optimal media platforms for a client's brand or product to use. The job of media planning is to determine the best combination of media to achieve the marketing campaign objectives.

In the process of planning, the media planner needs to answer questions such as:

How many of the audience can be reached through the various media?
On which media (and ad vehicles) should the ads be placed?
How frequent should the ads be placed?
How much money should be spent in each medium?
Choosing which media or type of advertising to use can be especially challenging for small firms with limited budgets and know-how. Large-market television and newspapers are often too expensive for a company that services only a small area (although local newspapers can be used). Magazines, unless local, usually cover too much territory to be cost-efficient for a small firm, although some national publications offer regional or city editions.

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