The Fool's Tower Energy Vlog

3 months ago

The Fool's Tower Energy Vlog title is from the Date Jume 8, 2024 thus 22 The master number for the Master Builder and the Fool carde taking a mistep or a leap of faith. The Tower stems from the amplitude power of 16the Tower a collapse of structure

The Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure News site which showed us an amplifier power of 16 at 500 AM UTC thus we have the Hierophant with his pedophile priest taking a big collapse of the structures of the church. The quality power of 10 reminds us of the Wheel of Fortune with its big or kamic change in line with the Tower's failure a karmic change coming quickly. The frequency average is 7.74 hertz thus # 18 The Moon In Cancer trines Saturn in Pisces and squares Chiron in Aries. Giving Saturn a nice trine whil opposing the wounded healer Chiron.
Therefore we can say: The Fool Emperor Built his tower on shifting sands which lead to its fall as the wheel of Fortune brings the Kamic change under a Cancer Moon in trine to Saturn in Pisces.
This being saturday we had Three cards from the Starseed Oracle deck. The first being Wait, It is not yet divine time. The fates are still weaving the divine plan. The Second is Star Brother and Sister card, Horus Energy from Kemet, With protection Loyalty Safety and trust. The last is the Earthed card, Learning how to be Human. In the world but not of it. this is the essence of a star seed being a multidimensional being and grounding that energy into earth to bring the great transformation.
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