6/8/24 god’s media army being released .❤️

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6/8/24 God’s media army in dad‘s dream is being empowered.

I am sitting in a conference. The banquet hall is full of tables, and at each table is sitting broadcasters that are part of God’s media army. At the table next to me is Steve Bannon. As I look, the deep state has declared they will arrest him and put him in jail up until the election, to stop his portion of God’s media army from broadcasting. I look and there is one month until he has to go to jail, and the deep state is putting layers, and layers, and layers of darkness to cover up their evil, to surround Steve Bannon with layers and layers of darkness.

Then suddenly, God gives to me an Irish hand carved small bow and arrow, very similar to Cupid’s bow and arrow. I look at the bottom of the bow, which had intricate and beautiful carvings and a scripture that said, “With man it is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” The Lord spoke to me, “Give this bow and arrow to Steve Bannon and tell him this, “You can use this bow to go directly through the evil structure of darkness, the snakes that are operating, and go into the heart of the every person by identifying them by name, their address, phone number, email, and even family members; even a smallest insignificant person. This arrow is powerful and will destroy its evil operation.

But then I said, Lord, “What happens if Steve Bannon is taken to jail and he can no longer shoot the arrow?” The Lord replied, “The power of the media army will be multiplied by five times, the arrow will go into the hands of his daughter, Peter Navarro, and three other people that will be able to shoot with the same accuracy and the same power as Steve Bannon had but will be multiplied.“

I felt the Lord wanted us to pray and give Heaven permission to release this plan in all of its power.

The Great Awakening: Exposing the Pretenders!
June 8, 2024 Veronika West

The Great Awakening: Exposing the Pretenders and Unveiling the Mighty Remnant Army!
I heard The Spirit say, “My Spirit of Truth is now exposing the great pretenders from among you, the ravenous wolves in sheep’s clothing, for I AM stripping the evil rulers of The Nations of their garments of corruption and perversion that have long covered them.

And naked they shall stand before Me and before the world to see — for their evil works done in secret cannot and will not be hidden from my sight.

For what has been conceived and concealed in darkness, shall now be uncovered and revealed in the light — and where My Glory once covered them and My Mercy once delivered them — now they shall be clothed with shame and dishonour, and crowns of bitterness and defeat shall adorn their heads and they will sit on the ash heap of sorrows with no hope of restitution or redemption.

For their stiff necks shall be broken and their uncircumcised hearts shall be their downfall, for I shall not be mocked, but I shall avenge My enemies with just one breath from My nostrils!

Watch! For sudden death and destruction shall come upon those who dare to stand in the way of My governing Hand of Justice and Righteousness!

For I AM The Great Judge over The Nations, and My Courts have ruled for life and liberty over death and bondage — so pay attention and listen!

For now there is a new sound that is rising in the nations, a sound of a roar, a roar of the lion of Judah, a sound that will shake the wicked to their knees, and awaken my fearless warriors to their feet!

I say now, Watch and Listen!
image supplied by author - copyright unknown

For in the midst of a great shaking, shifting and divine separating, a loud rattling sound shall be heard coming up from The Valley of Dry Bones, as a mighty Remnant Army rises to take her place on the battlefield for the birthright and destiny of The Nations.

For in great Power and Authority, this mighty Army shall advance and conquer the strongholds of the enemy — and as the violent, they shall take the kingdom by force!

Ha! I laugh at their puny threats! Who shall stop what I have begun? And who shall restrain or contain what I have ordained?

For I tell you the Truth, My Beloved — eyes have not seen, nor ear heard, nor have it entered the hearts of man what I have prepared for those that love Me!”

Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West

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