MSNBC Host Alex Witt Has To Kvell Over Jill Biden's Dress, When It Was A Hot Mess

4 months ago

After a few days of D-Day remembrances, Joe and Jill Biden attended a state dinner in Paris on Saturday. That's the event that Jill wanted to fly back for (on our dime?), after having flown back to Wilmington to be at Hunter's trial on Friday. I think that's a lot of why she wants to keep Joe in the position: she likes such recognition, and she doesn't want to give it up. When she arrived to enter the state dinner, it looked like her dress was so tight, that she was having a little trouble walking in it. But even beyond that, what was that thing trailing behind her? Why does Jill Biden look like she is dragging a bed sheet around? Did someone forget to pack her formal gown? - MSNBC: Biden, First Lady Attend State Dinner in Paris.

Of course, the MSNBC host has to kvell over that dress, when it was a hot mess. Without the train and less tight, it might have been nice. But It looked kind of like she was eliminating a bedsheet. So, both she and her husband are sparking questions about having "accidents" in France. Even in that dress, she had to help lead him up the stairs. -- Biden, in France, claims he's a "son of the American Revolution." -- The only thing he hasn’t been yet is one of the 12 disciples.

• More at: RedState - Biden's New Origin Story Gets Even Wilder at State Dinner, While Jill's Dress Is Just Awful
Rumble: Biden's New Origin Story Gets Even Wilder At State Dinner, While Jill's Dress Is Just Awful

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