Michael Simms: VACCINES~Baby gets jabbed, fever, sicker, hospital, DIES

8 months ago

Michael Simms~
Baby gets jabbed.
Baby gets fever.
Parents told it is normal.
Parents bring baby back 3 times asking for baby to be blood tested.
Baby sent home.
Baby gets sicker.
Baby taken to hospital.
Parents again ask for tests.
Tests refused.
Baby gets antibiotics.
Baby gets sicker.
Baby taken back to hospital.
Baby dies.
Baby officially dies of Leukaemia.
Government says hospitals need more training on understanding people who have English as a second language.

This is the standard practice for vaccine injury in this country.

You’re not listened to and then you as gaslit.

Another baby gone way too soon thanks to the incompetence of the government and medical system.

National Strike Australia
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