The Star Trek Psyop, Part 6: Arthur Young - The Philosopher

6 months ago

Part 6 from the series, The Star Trek Psyop: How Spooks, Psychics, and Psychonauts Perpetrated The World's Strangest Pop Culture Conspiracy.

This episode of "The Star Trek Psyop" delves into the life and work of Arthur Young, the philosopher whose contributions provided a significant intellectual framework for the teachings of The Nine. Young's exploration of consciousness and his belief in the interconnectedness of all life influenced the metaphysical themes of Star Trek. The episode highlights Young's philosophical insights and their impact on the series, offering a deeper understanding of the intellectual currents that shaped these teachings.

Sources and Links

For further exploration of the topics covered in this episode of "The Star Trek Psyop," here are the sources and references used:

1. Arthur Young:
- Wikipedia: Arthur M. Young -
- Book: "The Reflexive Universe" by Arthur M. Young

2. The Teachings of The Nine:
- Various parapsychology and occult studies resources detailing Young's involvement with The Nine.

3. Gene Roddenberry and Star Trek:
- Book: "Gene Roddenberry: The Myth and the Man Behind Star Trek" by Joel Engel
- Official Star Trek website -

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