Warcraft Rumble - Heroic Missions - Map 16 Area 5 - Raene Wolfrunner - June 2024

7 months ago

Heroic Missions are unlocked once the player has completed the requisite fifty (50) levels in adventure mode - through Tier 10 Map 5. In order to clear each Heroic Mission, each boss must be defeated by a leader from each faction. In other words, five (5) separate defeats. This is made more difficult as the mini levels for each boss is increased by ten (10), in addition to other unique effects that these bosses have. We show how to defeat each boss with each and every faction. When defeating a heroic boss, the player receives a major tome of the leader's faction.

00:00 General Strategies
00:10 Alliance
03:02 Beast
06:25 Blackrock
08:16 Horde
10:27 Undead

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