A A Brother to my Soul

9 months ago

In the stillness of the night, I feel you close to me,
Your whispers from above, bring comfort to my plea,
But in the silence, I'm reminded of a pain that's not fair,
Your absence in my world, is about all I can bear.

You were more than just a friend, a brother to my soul,
In the trials of life, you made me feel whole,
Now you've flown to the sky, but your spirit's still near,
In every prayer I whisper, I can feel you here.

Through the storm, through the tears, you never left my side,
Your faith was my anchor, in God's love we reside,
Now you rest in heaven's peace, embraced by His grace,
But in my heart, you hold a forever place.

In moments of despair, your new angel wings shelter my doubt,
When I felt lost in the dark, or caught in the cold, Your presence was a warmth...
You were more than a brother, a great soul on my stories road.

In this journey of life, you were my Partner in crime, even blood couldn't make a brother any closer... and your kindness will guide me, until we reunite.

Through the storm, through the tears, you never left my side,
Your faith was my anchor, in God's love we reside,
Now you rest in heaven's peace, embraced by His grace,
But in my heart, you hold a forever place.

(Outro with music trailing off ) ohhh-oh ooo oh oh oh-woah a forever place.

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