Exposing the Jehovah's Witness Cult - Mind Control Christian Cult

7 months ago


The Watch Tower is dangerous in that it claims to be Christian. It purposely, at the top, deceives the people through classic cult mind control. It lies about its past false prophecies, it lies about God’s word in its pitiful New World Translation that no Greek scholar ever confirmed, and most of all, it lies about the very nature of Jesus Christ. Get to know the facts and see this video of the cult origins of JW’s

God’s Name

WT: Jehovah is God’s true name. Superstitious Jewish Scribes removed it from the Bible, but our New World Translation faithfully restored it to the OT & inserted it in the NT where it made sense to do so. Using Jehovah’s name is essential to salvation (Rom. 10:13 NWT).


WT: The Holy Spirit is not a person. He is not God and is not equal to God. It is God’s “active force”—akin to electricity or the wind by which He accomplishes His will. It came upon Jesus at His baptism and enabled Him to do miracles.

TRUTH: The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity. He has a mind (Eph 1:17; 1 Cor 2:11; Rom 8:27), a will (1 Cor. 12:11; Acts 16:6), & is able to be grieved (Eph. 4:30). He performs the actions of a person:

As a Teacher (John 14:26; 15:26)

As a Counselor (John 16:7, 8)

He can be lied to (Acts 5: 3, 4)

He lives (1 Cor. 3:16)

He fellowships (2 Cor. 13: 14; Rom. 8:14)

Scripture speaks of us as having God, Christ, AND the Holy Spirit ALL within us. (Cp. Eph. 2:22; 1 Cor. 6:19; 2 Cor. 3:17)

He also intercedes in prayer for us, just as Jesus does (Rom.8:26 cp Heb. 7:25)


Jesus is a created being, thus making Him a ‘son’ of God. He is the highest-ranking angel: the archangel, Michael. He is and always has been submissive to the father, and they are in no way equal. He was not an incarnation of God but merely a perfect man. (NOTE: The WT claims that Jesus and the Holy Spirit are not equal to God in an attempt to destroy the Trinity doctrine.)


* Heb. 1:5— “To which of the angels did God ever say, ‘You are my Son’?”

* Dan. 10:13 indicates that there is a class of arch-angels, and Michael is one of them.

* Phil. 2: 5-11 Jesus divested Himself of His glory to take on the cloak of humanity. (ASK: Does v. 9-11 mean that His name is above Jehovah’s name, or that He’s Deity?)

* Col. 1:15-20 Jesus is before ALL things. (NOTE: The NWT inserts the word “other” 5 times in this passage: “all other things”) to strip Him of His role as the Creator.

v. 19—the fullness of God dwelled in Him. * NOTE: “Firstborn” (v 15) means supremacy or pre-eminence (in v. 19).

All credit for this video goes to D.H. of the Light over Dark Ministry YouTube channel: / @lightoverdarkministry

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