Can good come out of bad circumstances? | Romans 8:28

6 months ago

Many believers, after experiencing a destructive event or destructive circumstance in their lives, like sickness, financial devastation, or broken relationships, will then attempt to find the good in it. Once they determine the good that has come from the situation, they use that to explain why God either caused or allowed it to happen.

What they are really doing is attributing to God the work of the devil. The devil is the one who comes to steal, kill, and destroy, not God. He is not God’s agent; he is the enemy of God who is perpetrating evil works against all humanity, including you. God If God is in Control is indeed the master of all circumstances, but He is certainly not the author of all circumstances.

Jesus, on the other hand, came that we would have life and have it more abundantly. Jesus gave us His authority and power to overcome the devil and all his evil works.

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