How Has WHO Responded to Covid-19?

8 months ago

World Health Organization appear to be very proud of the way they responded to the Covid-19 pandemic. This video shows the following:

1. 12 February 2018 - Tedros warns about the risk and that preparations are necessary

2. End of December 2019 a small cluster of pneumonia cases are identified in Wuhan, China, with a population of over 12 million people in the middle of winter. How did they identify anything out of the ordinary in this way?

3. On 4 January none of the pneumonia cases had died and WHO announced this to the world. Pneumonia cases in winter (including deaths) are extremely common, so what made this cluster of cases unique? Noone appears to know.

4. On 10 January they issued their first guidance as though some new health care practices would be required because of this small cluster of pneumonia cases in a large population during the middle of winter.

5. On 14 January WHO warned that there could be further spread. There is nothing unusual about spread of respiratory infections during the middle of winter.

6. On 15 January the WHO Blueprint R&D was launched for diagnosis, vaccines and therapeutics. This was first drafted in 2018 (the same year Tedros warned about a pandemic threat), naming a number of potential diseases for which products would need to be researched and developed:

7. On 30 January 2020 the highest alert level - Public Health Emergency of International Concern ("PHEIC") was declared by Tedros.

8. On 8 February WHO declared the need for nations to prepare, with a focus on preventing transmission. Preventing transmission of an airborne virus is an unrealistic goal because the virus floats on air currents for hours to days. However this claim set the precedent for lockdowns and a belief that personal protective equipment must be purchased.

9. On 6 February the first shipment of personal protective equipment was provided to Africa. Ultimately the virus swept through the African continent barely noticed, due to their low risk (young) population.

10. 10 February 2020 - Tedros claimed that the small number of cases detected so far "could be the spark that becomes a bigger fire". Every year respiratory infections transmit across populations in winter. Why was this situation considered unusual?

11. On 11 February 2020 Tedros claimed the Coronavirus to be "public enemy number 1" and criticised "inaction" of nations.

12. Over 400 scientists were convened to collaborate on assisting with whatever was needed to prepare and respond to the pandemic. Who were these scientists? What were they paid to do? One that we know of is Christian Drosten, who developed the Coronavirus PCR test that was used for Covid diagnosis in record time. Learn more about the probable corruption of this process here:

13. On 21 February a call was made for the international community to act.

14. On 24 February a repeated call to action was made.

15. On 2 March 2020 WHO claimed all countries should be looking for cases aggressively and undertaking contact tracing. Actually, contact tracing for a virus that floats for hours to days on air currents has no purpose and proper diagnosis of the ill is what matters, rather than contact tracing of the healthy which is a massive unnecessary use of resources and serves the purpose of disrupting society.

16. On 3 March 2020 it was claimed that health care workers were "dangerously ill equipped" to care for Covid cases. This appears to have been a marketing strategy to increase production and sales of personal protective equipment which is marginally useful at best. I personally sat through a lesson in which it was taught that life saving measures for dying patients must not be undertaken until you were fully gowned, gloved and masked, which is absolutely ludicrous.

17. On 5 March another call to action was made.

18. On 11 March the pandemic was declared by Tedros.

19. On 13 March WHO claimed that the required interventions were to test, contact trace, quarantine and social distance. All of these measures in healthy people are both unnecessary for virus control, and harmful. Learn more at the WHO's own December 2019 document (specifically Table 1, on Page 3):

20. On 16 March Tedros announced the need to "test, test, test" every "suspected case". This led to a "testdemic" of "cases", increasing the pandemic numbers exponentially whilst excess deaths only occurred in certain locations where certain harmful interventions were carried out (early and unnecessary use of mechanical ventilators; end of life treatments; do-not-resuscitate orders; etc).

21. The first mention was made of the need for vaccines to eradicate the disease. Vaccines have had the opposite impact, instead leading to vaccine associated enhanced disease, with highest risk in those having the most number of doses.

22. A call for solidarity was made. Because Marxism can cure infectious disease. In fact, what was needed was dissent and without the dissent which did happen, the measures would likely remain in place today.

This was an insane time in world history which must never be repeated. Those responsible for the deaths and injuries which have resulted must be held accountable in a court of law.


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