OP2405-31-6B After Action Report

4 months ago

OP2405-31-6B After Action report (Written by Google Gemini)

After Action Report (AAR).
Operation: Defense of Veremeevo (OP2405-31-6B).

Unit: 2nd Battalion, Chernarus 17th Separate Light Rifle Brigade.

Prepared By: Operations Staff, 2nd Battalion.

1. Situation.

a. Enemy Forces:

Separatist forces including:
Wagner Group Infantry.
Spanish Speaking Militia.
Russian Militia.
Anti-Tank Infantry Units.
Unidentified Technical Vehicles (x2 destroyed).
Unidentified Drone.
b. Friendly Forces:

Task Force (TF) Veremeevo.
3 x Truck-borne Rifle Squads.
2 x BRDM Scout Cars (Scout 1 destroyed).
2 x BRDM-AT (AT 2 destroyed).
Supporting Artillery.
c. Friendly Disposition:

Triangular defense of Veremeevo village.
Command Squad - Northern edge.
2nd Squad - Western side (300m south of Command Squad).
3rd Squad - Eastern side (300m south of Command Squad).
d. Terrain and Weather:

Details on terrain and weather not provided in source data.
2. Mission.

Conduct a hasty defense of Veremeevo village against a predicted separatist attack.

3. Execution.

a. Initial Actions:

TF Veremeevo established defensive positions upon arrival in Veremeevo.
b. Enemy Contact:

Wagner Group infantry initiated attack from the northeast against 3rd Squad.
Artillery strike halted initial attack.
Enemy launched a second infantry attack, again halted by artillery.
Scout 1 dispatched to support 3rd Squad, destroyed by enemy anti-tank infantry.
Third artillery strike disrupted subsequent enemy attack.
Final enemy attack consisted of Russian militia supported by a drone.
3rd Squad suffered casualties but repelled the attack.
c. Friendly Actions:

3rd Squad engaged enemy infantry throughout the operation.
Command Squad coordinated artillery strikes in support of 3rd Squad.
Scout 1 deployed to support 3rd Squad but was destroyed.
d. Detachment and Redeployment:

Following successful defense of Veremeevo, TF Veremeevo received orders to return to base.
4. Sustainment

a. Logistics:

Logistical details not provided in source data.
b. Medical:

3rd Squad sustained casualties during the final enemy attack. Details on medical treatment not provided in source data.
5. Command and Control.

Battalion operations staff effectively coordinated artillery strikes in support of 3rd Squad.
Clear communication facilitated effective response to enemy attacks.
6. Intelligence.

a. Enemy Courses of Action:

Intelligence suggested separatist plan to capture Veremeevo while distracting friendly forces with another operation.
Electronic intercepts indicated potential for future similar operations.
b. Friendly Information Requirements:

Further details required on enemy unit size, composition, and capabilities.
Improved intelligence gathering on future separatist operations is crucial.
7. Assessment.

a. Friendly Success:

TF Veremeevo successfully defended Veremeevo against multiple enemy attacks.
Artillery strikes effectively disrupted enemy offensives.
b. Enemy Failure:

Enemy attacks were poorly coordinated and ultimately repelled.
Enemy lost at least two technical vehicles.
8. Recommendations.

Reinforce defensive positions in Veremeevo in anticipation of future attacks.
Prioritize intelligence gathering to gain deeper understanding of future enemy operations.
Conduct training exercises focused on repelling combined arms attacks (infantry, drone).
Consider employing anti-tank defenses closer to potential enemy approach routes.
9. Conclusion.

TF Veremeevo successfully defended Veremeevo against a poorly executed separatist attack. However, the enemy's intent to utilize diversionary tactics highlights the need for continued vigilance and improved intelligence gathering. By incorporating the recommendations outlined in this report, the battalion can further strengthen its defensive capabilities and effectively counter future threats.

This is based on the Arma 3 wargame. The voice is AI generated and represents no individual, living or dead. The text of the transcript, while AI generated, is based on data provided by the channel author.

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