The Punisher Is Coming

8 months ago

John Molloy  
                                   (Adapted from the Savage Manifesto
                                    from Chapter 11 in Trickle Up Poverty
                                    by Michael Savage, PhD. and the
                                   Tea Party’s  Contract from America)
1.  Adhere to your Oath to Defend and Protect the Constitution of the
    United States of America from all enemies foreign and domestic.
2.  Make English the official language of the United States of America
    and a command of English to qualify for the privilege of  citizenship
    In the United States of America.
3.  Close all the Borders.  Construct a wall along the southern border
    using illegal aliens as the labor force; pay them and deport them.
    (a wall need not be high to be effective, a low wall with a series of
     obstacles in front ditches 50 feet wide by 30 feet deep fronting a
     6 foot  wall would be effective and not have an adverse affect of the
     scenic beauty of the landscape.  (rebar and mines could be buried
     under the ditch to discourage tunneling.
4.  Defend all Borders.  Rotate Regular Army units for posting along
    The borders assisted and supplemented by Army Reserve and National    
    Guard units from the respective border states.
5.  Institute Immigration reform by repealing the Immigration Reform Act
    of   1965 thereby reducing and restricting legal immigration and establish
   a   5  year moratorium on immigration.
6.  Completely annihilate ISIS and all Islamic terrorist organizations and
    their personnel, and severely curtail their supports in the Muslim
7.  Refund and Repeal the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare).
8.  Reduce the size of  government with the exception of the Defense
    Department.  Require all government employees to have a high school
    diploma, to have a command of the English language, to pass a
    competency test and to have no criminal record.
   (The Department of Homeland Security is redundant; eliminate it.)
9. The Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP), the government bailout
    program created to bailout the financial sector, should be abandoned
    and repealed.  TARP funds that have been repaid or as yet unused
    should be used to reduce the national debt.
10.  Mexico should be made to bear responsibility for not preventing her
     citizens, and others, from crossing the border illegally and to cover
     The cost of health care and welfare that the US has provided for these
     iIlegals for decades.  Reparations can be paid to the US with Mexico’s oil.
11.  The 14th Amendment should be interpreted strictly so that ‘anchor’        babies are not automatically considered American citizens. This would discourage parents who are illegal immigrants or those who overstay        their visas.
12.  The current and former heads of the Department of Homeland Security should be investigated for neglect of duty for failing to comply with the federal law that mandated construction of the border fence.
13.  Profiling should be used to prevent and discourage terrorist attacks.
14.  Identification of our enemies should be mandated rather than avoided   as the safety of  American citizens is a priority. The failure to identify our enemies places all Americans in jeopardy.  Those organizations such as the Council of Islamic American Relations (CAIR) and the New Black Panther Party and their affiliates and offshoots should be kept under continuous surveillance as their mandate is to undermine America.
15.   Modify the Rules of Engagement. The military is supposed to kill people
and break things.   Often it is necessary to save ones own life and those of others in ones unit to shoot first and ask questions later.  Moral judgments in
the heat of battle get our men killed.
16.  Our military should not be prosecuted for the forceful subjection  of our
enemies to their authority or discouraging the enemy by defacing their mortal remains.  They would do it to us and the dead feel no pain.
17.  Repeal the repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell and restore regulations to
eliminate, prevent and discourage transgender in the military.  The military
was created to fight not to be a social experiment.
18.  Kill the ‘Deal with Iran’.  The agreement is not favorable to the future
existence of our ally, Israel or to the safety of the US. Restore sanctions and
encourage  the people of Iran to overthrow its leaders.
19.  Institute a ‘Flat Tax’  for various income levels.  A 5% flat tax on those
above the poverty level and those earning up to 100,000 will be more than sufficient to reduce the national debt.
20. Permanently eliminate the ‘Death Tax’ which confiscates inheritances.
Oftentimes the assets in one’s estate have been accumulated after taxes have been paid, especially on estates of less than $10,000,000.  The ‘Death Tax’ represents double taxation and is disastrous to family owned enterprises.  
21.  Reinstate the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). Traditional marriage as
having been defined as between a man and a woman was made law in 1996
during the Clinton administration.  Why are our representatives allowing themselves to be pressure by an insignificant minority?
22.  Create a tax incentive to encourage child bearing by heterosexual couples.
23. Discourage continuous child bearing by welfare recipients. If welfare applicants have additional children more than nine months after the application is approved additional welfare should not be extended.  Also those who apply for welfare should be made to understand that their right to vote will be suspended pending their return to work.  Also, require able bodied welfare recipients to do a specific hourly amount of community service per week.
24.  Defund Planned Parenthood and require that abortions be permitted only for cases whereby the physical survival of the mother is in jeopardy. as determined by two physicians. or in the case rape. as decided by the mother.
25.  End affirmative action.  Admission and advancement should not be based
on color or other affiliation but on merit and competency.
26. Institute voting reform by requiring that a photo voter identification card
(or a substitute such as a driver’s license) confirming ones age and
citizenship in order to prevent voter fraud.
27.  Eliminate the appointment of ‘czars’ unless thoroughly vetted by Congress and confirmed by the Senate; all existing czars are to be dismissed.
28.  Reinstate the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933 which required the separation
of commercial an investment banks, the repeal of which was critical in causing the Breakdown of the residential mortgage sector.  Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac should also be eliminated along with HUD.
29.  Employ better federal regulation of financial markets to prevent abuses and manipulation by hedge fund managers.
30.  Institute Tort Reform to reduce  abuse due to frivolous medical malpractice lawsuits and skyrocketing medical expenses resulting therefrom.
31.  Eliminate ‘Common Core’ and federal control of the education system.
Education is the province of the individual states.  ‘No child left behind is a
misnomer’ it should be no child excels as it discourages the willingness to
compete and excel.  Also reestablish vocational schools for those students who prefer a career other than business or academia.
32. Employ the  death penalty on violent criminals with greater frequency.
It will reduce recidivism, save taxpayer dollars for upkeep and maintenance
for convicted felons and discourage crime as well.  The death penalty should be mandatory for anyone convicted of murdering  police officers, first   responders, military personnel and veterans.
33.  Reinstitute a draft for military and/or government service for a period
of no longer than 18 months between the ages of 18 and 21 for all adult
American citizens to instill a sense of duty and patriotism toward the
United States of  America.
34. Provide qualified veterans with high quality medical care and educational
benefits commensurate with the time and extent of service to ensure their successful reintroduction into the civilian community.
35.  Impose diplomatic and economic sanctions on North Korea until it
releases American POWs that may still be alive since the Korean War and
destroys all its nuclear capability and delivery systems.  
36.  Impose diplomatic and economic sanctions and threaten to sever relations with Vietnam, Laos , Cambodia and Cuba  until all remaining American POWs in Southeast Asia are released, all missing Americans are fully accounted for and all political prisoners are freed from reeducation camps.
37.  Fully investigate all government agencies and personnel to include those
Presently and formerly at the highest levels of government to determine and
Charge and punish all those responsible for the abandonment of our
POW-MIAs.  (35 & 36 might have the effect of garnering the assistance
of China and Russia in this investigation.
John j. Molloy, OSJ
Executive Director

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