Pregnant Mom Wears Chewbacca Mask While Giving Birth, Becomes Chewbacca Mom

6 years ago

You know you are a die-hard Star Wars fan when you wear a Chewbacca mask while giving birth. No, if, and, or but about it. Not only is she fully committed to Star Wars, she is fully committed to making her new family laugh.

A pregnant woman wearing a Chewbacca mask bounces on an exercise ball in the hospital while having contractions before giving birth. As she bounces and makes noises because she is in pain, the noise translates to a Chewbacca noise. The Chewbacca noises coming out of the mask might be the funniest thing I have seen all week. You know she is in pain but you can't help but laugh at the growls... it is seriously TOO FUNNY!

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