Georgia Guidestones - Destroyed, but, the song remains the same

8 months ago

So I once made a page called "Destroy the Georgia Guidestones" in 2016 on Facebook. The page is gone but this one had the same name. I read the main article and here it is:

"Just incase the name of this page has some people assuming this is a call for impulsive, direct action - it is not. This page shines a light on the existence of this monument & attempts to correctly infer the author’s intent when commissioning this monument inscribed with 8 different languages with 10 points/instructions or ‘commandments’.
What this admin perceives is some slick writing designed to appeal to environmentalists but for anyone with intelligence & due diligence in regards to perceiving nuance, point number one should be objectionable to the level where it is labelled ‘evil’ or ‘satanic’.
Certainly an astute dissection of the other points that follow point 1, leaves the reader perceiving similar menance (albeit far more subtle). It appears to be a broad-level call for a New World Order; Perhaps instructions built to survive cataclysm, to survive a post-internet, post-libraries time; Set where it is in the hope it will be viewed as ‘the ignored wisdom that should have been followed’ (to prevent the apocalypse that has just occurred). This admin would like to see the future of humanity to be free of the puppet strings of the Freemasons and/or Rosicrucians (or whomever commissioned this monument). They don’t know better than God almighty (THE most high God, Yahweh/Jehovah). Only He gets to decide who lives, who dies (and when).
Any monument calling for the deaths of billions of humans to bring our total population to under 500 million (instead of the world population of 7.9 BILLION people currently alive), IS evil. The public should petition and lobby and seek removal of this grotesque monument that is no friend of humanity & is instead a call for mass sterility or culling (or something horrific to achieve the end goal).
... Well my wish came true! The Georgia Guidestones WERE Destroyed. Who dun it? I think THEY did it. Just like they do everything else. Nobody, and I mean Nobody does anything HARD CORE against the grain. The most that was done to the stones was grafitti which they sandblasted off. These stones were meant to stand the test of time. But with the right people aware of their intent - to depopulate the planet, it served it's purpose. One of the stones was blown up. To note the languages on the stones were: English, Spanish, Swahili (using Latin script), Hindi (using Devanagari script), Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese (using Traditional characters) and Russian (using Cyrillic script). Notice there is no French, Dutch, German, etc... 8 Languages, 10 guides. The guides were as follows:

1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
2. Guide reproduction wisely – improving fitness and diversity.
3. Unite humanity with a living new language.
4. Rule passion – faith – tradition – and all things with tempered reason.
5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
8. Balance personal rights with social duties.
9. Prize truth – beauty – love – seeking harmony with the infinite.
10 .Be not a cancer on the Earth – Leave room for nature – Leave room for nature.

AWAKE MEDIA in association with WAKE UP Productions, by James Easton 2024. Running time 11 minutes.

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