Mischievous Baby Girl Throws ALL Of Her Clothes Over Railing

6 years ago

You ever feel like you just can't decide what to wear? That sweater is too heavy and that tank top is too showy and your new blazer is just so incredibly itchy! Ugh! It's a real stressor. You just want to head out the door but your closet is causing you to lose your freakin' mind. You consider just shutting the door and blocking it our of your mind. Hey, those pajamas you had on this morning were pretty cute, right? Even if they were just an over sized high school t-shirt and some sweats. Your husband did not seem to mind. But you have a job interview today and yeah, maybe your Juicy Coutour bottoms aren't the best look after all. So, you do what we all do and compromise. Sure, this isn't the cutest or trendiest outfit in the world, but it's comfortable and professional and tells the world that you mean business. And, most importantly: it is clean! How many other articles of clothing can you say that about? I bet you can count them on one hand. But who has time for laundry? Technically, I guess you did since you've been out of a job for three months. But if you did that, who was going to watch all of that great daytime television? You had to look out for yourself. Good for you. The world needs more winners. And you out here WINNING!

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