"Wartime Cafe" withe Laith Marouf EP4: Dimitri Lascaris

9 months ago

"Wartime Cafe" EP4 with Dimitri Lascaris, semi-retired lawyer, former Green Party of Canada leadership candidate.

We discuss:
-His political awakening
-His purging from the Green Party of Canada because of Palestine
-Covid lock-downs and the loss of freedoms
-Launching his media carrier at 52
-Visiting Russia and his opinions about the war in Ukraine
-Visiting Lebanon, going to the borders with Palestine
-Visiting Syria and Palestine after alAqsa Flood, seeing the results of the war first hand
-Media and political spaces in Canada and their Palestinian blood lust
-CBC censorship of Palestine and complicity in Genocide
-Religion as a tool of resistance in Palestine and Lebanon, and his love of Islam
-Reactions to his interviews of Laith Marouf
and much more.

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