In Love, At Ease by Yogi Trivedi - Part 28 (Yamsox Live Reading May 31st 2024)

9 months ago

In Love, At Ease: Spiritual Lessons from Pramukh Swami Maharaj

Join us as we read excerpts from 'In Love, At Ease,' a heartfelt book capturing the essence of Pramukh Swami Maharaj's life and teachings. Authored by Yogi Trivedi, this book delves into the spiritual wisdom of Pramukh Swami Maharaj, the former leader of BAPS who epitomized selfless love, service, humility, and inclusiveness. From tales of genuine gratitude to acts of compassion during moments of crisis, each chapter unfolds a lesson for inner happiness and success. Discover Swamishri's relentless compassion for all beings, including animals, and his remarkable work during the Gujarat famine. The proceeds from this book go towards supporting tribal education welfare in Poshina, Gujarat.

00:00:00 Reading In Love At Ease
00:02:45 Swamishri's Genuine Gratitude
00:04:24 Heart Attack and Compassion
00:07:07 Lessons in Facing Discrimination
00:09:13 Compassion for All Beings
00:14:06 Swamishri's Love for All Life
00:16:11 Swamishri's Compassion for Animals
00:19:20 Swamishri's Compassion During Gujarat Famine
00:23:26 Commitment to Animal Welfare

#SpiritualWisdom #Compassion #PramukhSwamiMaharaj #BAPS #InnerHappiness #InLoveAtEase #SpiritualJourney #YogiTrivedi #SelflessLove #AnimalWelfare

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