Only under THIS joey biden made up law is ANYONE a felon! IS TRUMP A fellon =NO!

9 months ago

lets see the 34 felons are 5 YEARS beyond statue, Hush money contracts CAN'T be a felon OH WAIT unless you are EVERY ONE LOVE's THE DONALD & beating the HELL out of the joe biden FELON & TREASONOUS of America. joey becomes more & MORE a worst FELON to America then ANY other person! OPEN boarders REALLY, this 1-20-21 weaponized LAW really, this America is becoming more & MORE like a 3rd world dictatorship EVERY day! made by these COMMY democrats that NEVER belonged in our America who HATE you as an American & HATES America the way it is as JOE BIDEN STATED himself!!! that is WHY our vet fought for & died for boarders are OPEN JOEY SAID! WHO THE HELL does joey think he is!! this TOTAL BS of America the NON American COMMY democrat party!! pelosi tried it 5 time with ALL made up LIES of impeachment! there you go these COMMY democrats want to stay in as your RULER = one person JOEY making crap up as we go along & changing the laws as he NEEDS TOO. this is FACTS & PROOF of it, 5 years beyond statue & Hush money NEVER even being a crime YOU GOT TO BE KIDDING America your putting up with this total TREASON BULL CRAP!!! this CRACK HEAD, Hunter laptop & TREASONOUS biden family does NOT belong in our America period!

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