ghostprotocol - thought police (channelAfterglow rmx)

7 months ago

ghostprotocol - thought police (channelAfterglow rmx)

music: recorded and arranged in studio_one software;
tools: waldorf blofeld, korg microX, studio_one impact XT (bassdrums / kicks)
and Mai Tai (bassline);
sound sample used is from the "Blade Runner 2049" movie;
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video: arranged and processed in videopad;
All images / visuals / animated materials used, not mine;
(AlJazeera, Substack, and the net + two artworks from metal bands albums: terrorizer, VedBuensEnde);
clips from pixabay:
(by gr8effect, maxWdhs, sacharine, saurabhKumar, luisHumanoide, mariokrimer, tiburi and others);
gifs from the giphy dot com site:
(by alteredstates, jorgemariozuleta, lugomiler, osiris, sinuendo, systaime, tachyons, XponentialDesign and yeechi);
movie clips used are from:
the "Blade Runner 2049" movie and "The Hunger" [1983] movie.

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