8 months ago

21 DAYS TO BEING 31% SMARTER AND HAPPIER .... Tomorrow Ima post my first day. Please feel free to add your first day into the comments. Love and Respect. Be safe and be dangerous. 💙💯🇺🇸🫵

Three gratitudes - List three new things you’re grateful for every day; Journaling - Journal about one positive experience OR memory each day; Exercise - Exercise teaches your brain that your behavior matters; Selflessness - Practice random acts of kindness, or conscious acts of kindness.



Miller's Magical Number Seven - Experiments purport that the number of “chunks” of information an average human can hold in short-term memory is 7 ± 2. That is, human memory capacity typically includes strings of words, digits or concepts ranging from 5-9.

Refocus - Research shows that it takes an average of 23 minutes to regain focus after a distraction. Different parts of your brain are activated every time you switch between tasks – even tasks as simple as answering a team member's question while working on a report or attending back-to-back meetings.


HAPPY HORMONES : Dopamine Oxytocin Serotonin Endorphins

Dopamine : Is a neurotransmitter made in your brain. It plays a role as a “reward center” and in many body functions, including memory, movement, motivation, mood, attention and more.

Serotonin : The behavioral and neuropsychological processes modulated by serotonin include mood, perception, reward, anger, aggression, appetite, memory, sexuality, and attention, among others. Indeed, it is difficult to find a human behavior that is not regulated by serotonin.

Endorphins : Help relieve pain, reduce stress and improve your sense of well-being. Endorphins are created in your pituitary gland and hypothalamus, both located in the brain. Endorphins are a type of neurotransmitter, or messenger in your body.

Oxytocin : Exerts its effects on different information processing levels associated with social anxiety via a more general stress-dampening effect during social stress, modulation of fear conditioning, and modulation of attentional processes associated with social anxiety.

JOY HORMONES : Dopamine No Serotonin Endorphins Oxytocin Adrenaline Norepinephrine Progesterone Cortisol

Adrenaline : Extra oxygen is sent to the brain, increasing alertness. Sight, hearing, and other senses become sharper. Meanwhile, epinephrine triggers the release of blood sugar (glucose) and fats from temporary storage sites in the body. These nutrients flood into the bloodstream, supplying energy to all parts of the body.

Norepinephrine : As a neurotransmitter in your brain and spinal cord, norepinephrine: Increases alertness, arousal and attention. Constricts blood vessels, which helps maintain blood pressure in times of stress. Affects your sleep-wake cycle, mood and memory.

Progesterone : The brain is a site of synthesis, metabolism, and action of progesterone. Progesterone and its neuroactive metabolites have pleiotropic protective effects in neurons and glial cells including reduction of inflammation and reactive gliosis; and promoting neuroprotection and neurogenesis and myelin repair.

Cortisol : Basal cortisol elevation causes damage to the hippocampus and impairs hippocampus-dependent learning and memory. Chronic high cortisol causes functional atrophy of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA), the hippocampus, the amygdala, and the frontal lobe in the brain.

BELOW - All links were broken in copy/paste. i'll get them in there by tomorrow afternoon


Binaural Beats | Psychology Today
Alpha Waves Binaural Beats No Music | 10 Hz Serotonin Release, Happiness Frequency
Binaural Beats ❀ pure 5 Hz Theta Brain waves ❀ No Music ❀ Intense Relaxation ❀ Insomnia relief
Quantum Focus - Increase Focus / Concentration / Memory - Binaural Beats - Focus Music
The Best Sleep Healing Frequency (Deeply Relaxing)
432 Hz Positive Energy Frequency: Binaural Beats for Positive Energy
Enter REM Sleep Cycle | Deep Dreaming Sleep Music | Theta & Gamma Wave Binaural Beats Sleep Music
Relief from Anxiety & Panic Attacks - Binaural Beats & Isochronic Tones (Subliminal Messages)
🎧 528 Hz The Joy Frequency | Raise Positive Vibrations | Clear Negative Energy | Solfeggio Frequency
Focus Music, Binaural Beats Concentration Music for Studying, Super Intelligence

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