Man Repelling On Rocks Gets Stuck and Needs Help

6 years ago

If you have seen the movie “127 Hours” the true story of mountain climber Aron Ralston's remarkable attempt to save himself after the accident in an isolated canyon in Utah, then you know how difficult and complicated and even dangerous rock climbing can be. Therefore, everyone who wants to do it needs lots of training and practice before he or she decides to climb real rock. And even that is not easy! LOL! Just take a look at this video, and you’ll see what I mean. It shows a group of people who are practicing rock climbing on an artificial rock indoors. A man is repelling on the rocks, which is less than six-foot-high, and somehow gets stuck and need the help of others to get down! LOL! Just look at him! The guy is literary hanging upside down on that rock, but fortunately, his climbing coach knows how to get him down safely.

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