Chief Shakes, of the Tlingit Nation, Tells His Story and Role as Chief of the Tribe

3 months ago

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I am Chief Shakes, a leader of the Tlingit people, and today I will share with you the story of my life and the responsibilities I bore for my community. My story is one of leadership, cultural preservation, and resilience.

I was born into the Tlingit community, a people deeply connected to the land and sea of what is now Southeast Alaska. Our culture is rich with traditions, stories, and a deep respect for nature. As I grew up, I was taught the ways of our ancestors—how to fish, hunt, and gather, and how to navigate the intricate social structures of our clans.

My ascension to the role of chief was both an honor and a great responsibility. As Chief Shakes, I was not just a political leader but also a spiritual guide, a protector of our traditions, and a diplomat. One of my primary duties was to ensure the well-being and prosperity of our people. This meant managing our resources wisely, negotiating with neighboring tribes, and later, dealing with the encroaching influences of European settlers and traders.

Our society was built on a complex system of clan relationships and potlatches, ceremonies that were central to our social and economic life. These gatherings were more than just feasts; they were a way to redistribute wealth, solidify alliances, and resolve disputes. As chief, I presided over these events, ensuring that they were conducted with honor and respect for our customs.

The arrival of European traders and settlers brought new challenges. While trade provided new goods and opportunities, it also threatened our way of life. Diseases brought by outsiders decimated our population, and there was increasing pressure on our lands and resources. It was my role to navigate these tumultuous changes, protecting our people and our way of life as best as I could.

I also worked to preserve our cultural heritage. Our stories, songs, and dances are vital to our identity, and I made it a priority to ensure that these traditions were passed down to future generations. The construction and maintenance of clan houses, adorned with intricate totem poles and carvings, were a testament to our artistic and spiritual heritage.

Reflecting on my life, I see a journey of leadership, adaptation, and cultural preservation. I strived to balance the demands of the present with the wisdom of the past, guiding my people through times of change and uncertainty. My story is one of resilience and dedication to my community.

I hope my tale inspires you to value your own heritage, to lead with integrity, and to respect the diverse cultures and histories that shape our world. Remember, true leadership is about serving your community and preserving the legacy of those who came before us. May my story encourage you to embrace your responsibilities with courage and wisdom, and to contribute positively to your own communities.

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Zack Edwards
President and Creator of Historical Conquest


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