🚨BREAKING: James Comer Puts Fauci on Notice...

9 months ago

When it comes to Covid and the response to the initial outbreak, nobody has done more damage to our country and its citizens than the little garbage man Anthony Fauci.

Fauci gives a bad name to dog shit because he is far beneath that. He lied about masks, he lied about social distancing, he lied about when the vaccine would be available to Americans to hurt Trump in the election then lied about its safety to help big pharma under Dictator Joe Biden's regime, Fauci forced children to stay home from school by lying about data then lied about suggesting to shut down schools, and he has lied about gain of function research.

Fauci deserves to be held accountable, he destroyed the lives of millions of Americans with his shutdowns and he deserves to spend the rest of his life In jail.

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