Connecticut Democrats Fly Pride Flag At Half-Staff To 'Honor' Fallen State Trooper

3 months ago

"UNFREAKINGBELIEVABLE" is how Libs of TikTok describes and this editor didn't believe it himself until we watched the news segment. It's real. You know, obviously, that everything is a symbol of white supremacy. The thin blue line flag is now considered racist because liberals saw it as a response to the Black Lives Matter flags flying everywhere. That flag honors police officers, who kill upstanding black men for no reason. So when the town of Wethersfield, Connecticut gathered for a pride event, town Democrats refused to fly the thin blue line flag because it represents "racism and antagonism." Besides, they'd already lowered the pride flag to half-staff in his honor. For real. UNFREAKINGBELIEVABLE - Democrats in CT voted against flying the American blue line flag to honor fallen officer Aaron Pelletier who was kiIIed in the line of duty. Instead they flew the pride flag at half staff to honor him. The pride flag. I have no words. This is disgraceful.

SAY HIS NAME: Connecticut State Trooper Aaron Pelletier. KiIIed in the line of duty while conducting a traffic stop. He leaves behind a wife and 2 young children. Alex Oyola-Sanchez was arrested for the murder. You didn’t hear about this story cuz it doesn’t fit the narrative. -- Congrats, CT Dems, you’re national news again because you couldn’t take a 12 hour break from your rainbow rave to respect a fallen hero and his young family. -- Tom Shattuck reports on Emily Zambrello, the town council member who voted down a motion to fly the thin blue line flag.

Tom Shattuck @tomshattuck: “She says that in honor of the fallen trooper they won’t be raising the pride flag today, “it’s already up at half staff in honor of his passing,” What a wretched coward. They snuck the flag up BEFORE the flag raising in order to avoid criticism because they know they are scum. Feel good, Emily that these kids don’t get honored for just one day out of 30.” -- The world is laughing at us. Can someone explain to me like I’m 5, how the pride flag honors the fallen officer who was not part of the LGBTQ community? He had a wife and two children. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Connecticut Democrats Fly Pride Flag at Half-Staff to 'Honor' Fallen State Trooper

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