14. Does the name 'Yahweh' derive from the pagan idol Jupiter? (Origins of Yahweh)

1 month ago

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Nehemia Gordon teaches that people who pray to Yahweh are actually praying to Jupiter! This is very disturbing to anyone who uses the pronunciation 'Yahweh'.

Nehemia Gordon claims to have discovered new information which is supposed to clearly prove that 'Yahweh' derives from Jupiter (Jove). By purporting that Yahweh is the name of a pagan idol, Nehemia has convinced thousands of people to stop using the pronunciation Yahweh and to use Yehovah instead.

Furthermore, scholars have been confused by the fact that many pagan cultures preserve names which are similar to Yahweh, Yah, and Yahu. This has led to numerous inaccurate claims that the Name YHWH derives from some pagan deity.

But is there any real evidence to prove that Yahweh derives from Jupiter? This is the topic of video 14! We will investigate the claims of Nehemia Gordon regarding Theodoret, Wilhelm Gesenius, and especially the Samaritans who supposedly never pronounced the Name YHWH and only worshiped Jupiter.

Other videos in this series:
1. Nehemia Gordon: Is Yehovah an abbreviation of Hayah, Howeh, Yihyeh?
2. Did Nehemia Gordon discover the 'real' name of God?
3. Was Ketiv Qere applied to YHWH or not?
4. Would scribes change the composite Shewa of Adonai into a simple Shewa on YHWH for Ketiv Qere Perpetuum?
5. Why is the Cholem often missing on the name YHWH?
6. Eight proofs from the Masoretic Text that Adonai's vowels were placed on YHWH (Part A).
7. Eight proofs from the Masoretic Text that Adonai's vowels were placed on YHWH (Part B).
8. Is Nehemia Gordon a trustworthy, honest Hebrew scholar?
9. Nehemia Gordon's "10 Rabbis," Cabbalism, and the Origin of the Vowel Points (Part A).
10. Nehemia Gordon's "10 Rabbis," Cabbalism, and the Origin of the Vowel Points (Part B).
11. Did the Hebrew vowel points originate from Moses?
12. The true pronunciation of YHWH based on the Masoretic Text (Part A).
13. The true pronunciation of YHWH based on the Masoretic Text (Part B).
14. Did the name Yahweh derive from the pagan idol Jupiter (Jove)?
15. Was the 3rd consonant of יהוה pronounced as a Vav or a Waw in biblical times?

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