Zionism thrives off anti-semitism.

9 months ago

Zionism thrives off anti-semitism.

Jacob Rothschild was the president of the Institute for Jewish Policy Research which creates and monitors anti-semitism. This institute fund's the likes of the ADL and the BBC, you could actually see who benefited from this institution but since I posted it on my channel you can no longer see who benefits as they removed it.

Institute for Jewish Policy Research

The Institute for Jewish Policy Research (JPR), founded as the Institute of Jewish Affairs, is a London-based research institute and think tank. It specializes in contemporary Jewish affairs. JPR also runs a public education programme, and has hosted lectures from Chief Rabbi Lord Sacks, James Wolfensohn, Professor Jonathan Sarna and Professor Zygmunt Bauman.

The institute was founded in New York in 1941, under the auspices of the World Jewish Congress and the American Jewish Congress, as a research institute to provide analysis of political, legal and economic issues affecting Jewish life.

Their reports examined a number of topics including: the situation of Jewish communities in various countries, anti-Semitism, human rights related to minorities and migration, and the Holocaust and its aftermath.

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