JIMMY CARTER orchestrated the change of the power in Iran; RESPONSIBLE for TERRORISM today

4 months ago

Jimmy Carter has been called out by the late Shah of Iran and also a correspondant who took the time to expose how we all have been lied to.

Jimmy Carter: The Liberal Left and World Chaos: A Carter/Obama Plan That Will Not Work Hardcover – January 20, 2009
by Mike Evans (Author)

Sums of $150 million were being periodically transferred to #Paris into #Khomeini’s bank account while he was in exile with the assistance of #CIA!!!

#Shah of #Iran 40 years ago: "If I leave, Iran will go down, If Iran goes down, #MiddleEast will go down, If Middle East goes down, the world will suffer." How #prophetic!!! #RegimeChange #UnityForFreeIran

Prince #RezaPahlavi: Sadly, the struggle against terrorism and extremism continues to this day, nowhere more fiercely than in #Iran, where it is now in its 40th year/#چهل_سال. #Standup4HumanRights & #CrimesAgainstHumanity with #IranianPeople/#مردم_ایران!!

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