The UN And Mexico CONSPIRE To Take Our Guns Away!

8 months ago

Ryan Flugaur, Vice President of the National Association for Gun Rights, gives a breakdown on Mexico's lawsuit against American Gun Manufacturing Companies. Mexico's lawsuit is clearly meant to do the UN's dirty work for them by demanding that the American Government make gun laws MORE strict!

Sign Your Petition Against The UN HERE!:

Read Our Full Brief Here:

other Videos On UN Gun Control:

Made up of more than 4.5 million grassroots activists, the National Association for Gun Rights leads the charge to halt the radical gun-grabbing agenda running rampant across the nation. Accepting NO COMPROMISE on the issue of gun control, NAGR works tirelessly to hold politicians accountable for their anti-gun views and has made great strides in protecting and preserving the Second Amendment. But our effectiveness in the battle against these attacks on your liberties depend entirely on the support from pro-gun patriots like you.

00:00 Mexico Is WAY Out Of Line
00:55 We're Taking Action
01:13 Mexico's Secret Connection to The Small Arms Treaty
02:59 The UN's OWN Statement!
03:42 Mexico's War Against Guns
04:21 "Hugs Not Bullets"
04:38 They're Blaming US For THEIR Cartels?!
05:14 Mexico's Demands
06:02 They're Doing The UN's Dirty Work
07:09 Smell's Like Corruption
07:26 Where Is This Case Now?
09:06 What Our Lawyers Said
10:25 Build A Wall
10:32 We WON'T Let Them Win
11:07 How YOU Can Take Action!

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