"Inside... Outside" poem by FCSH | Music by Brandon “BSilent” Hicks (Description) ©2024 TMINW PROD.

8 months ago

I was inspired to share a gift given to me and to put it into a creative format. It’s a gift given to us all – if we choose to open that gift or not is of our free will.

In my prayer and meditative hours, I go to my intimate love – a love that is always with me during the day and night. This gift of love faithfully and patiently waits for me to receive and accept the intimacy of oneness.

As I go about my daily business, my love is there. As I go into the quiet hours of the night, my love is waiting there for me. When I experience an uncomfortable situation – my love supports me and renews my strength to move forward. In my silent hours, in the wee morning, my love whispers quiet guidance, assuring me and embracing my mind, body, soul and spirit – all is well! I am engulfed in His Power of Love, inside and outside.

I pondered some time over the music I would use for my new video. After a couple of days had passed, I still had no clue. I prayed, meditated and waited for guidance. I finally received an answer; “Use the music to the closing out of the last video – you only gave the prelude. Play the full song and connect the dots.”

Once again, I am blessed and honored to have the music of B Silent, “MesMorEyes.” The last video I produced, “Opposite Poles,” I closed the video with “MesMorEyes.”

Some days went by as I worked on the project. I received a phone call from my sister Francina saying, “You have to hear this voice – it’s beautiful!” I told Francina to send me the song. When I heard what I heard, I knew I had to work this voice into my video! This beautiful woman, soulfully singing “Fill My Cup Lord,” reached into the depths of my soul – synchronizing with the project! You can hear her life experiences in each note that vibrates through her. God’s gift to Little Flower is in full blossom!

I want to send my humble thank you to “B Silent” and “Little Flower.” Thank you for allowing me to share your gifts and talents! And most of all, I thank God for having you in my life! Also, I cannot forget to thank my twin sister Francina for sharing a beautiful gift of song!

Francine C. Still Hicks

Music “MesMorEyes" by Brandon "B SILENT" Hicks
HOME | B SILENT MUSIC | United States
©2024 All Rights Reserved
Singing “Fill My Cup Lord” by Little Flower

“Inside… Outside"
Poem | Video Produced | Edited | Arrangements | Narration | Animations | Effects by FRANCINE C. STILL HICKS
Books: The Me I Never Was | A Girl Named Charity
Website: http://www.themeineverwas.net/
Contact: themeineverwas@gmail.com
TMINW Productions ©2024 All Rights Reserved

Video Clips Contribution by Pixabay.com

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