The Bible: Divinely Inspired, Infallible & Inerrant? / WWY L66

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As a few polls over the recent decades (Gallup, PewResearch) are showing that the importance of the Bible and biblical religion are on the decline. While many people identify as believing in the Bible I honestly have to question then why is this country in the condition it’s in if that’s the case? The responses to that question could go in many different directions of course.

We know that Yeshua/Jesus is the Written AND the Living Word (John 1:1,14). And for those that believe in the Bible, we know that satan immediately attacked the validity of the Word in Genesis 3. So of course, we would expect for the enemy to continue this tactic because it’s effective.

In this livestream, we are going to talk about
- Humanism
- Classical arguments: Statistical Probability of Yeshua/Jesus being the Messiah / Liar, Lunatic, or Lord?
- The Written & Living Word - BOTH are needed
- The Yahweh / Yeshua disconnect
- One reason why Yah/God may have had many killed
- The fullness of Yah in Yeshua
- Emotions, feelings, and opinions
- The Name of Yahweh and placeholders
- The Dead Sea Scrolls
- From the spirit side . . .
- Gematria
- The human spirit and 7s (man could not have figured this out)
- Divinely inspired - as demonstrated in deliverance
- Translation & Interpretation Tools
- Discounting the Bible
- Yah/God will send/allow delusions to test believers & unbelievers

What saith you?
Join us on the 1st & 3rd Thursdays of the month @ 7:30 pm EST on YouTube or Facebook. Please chat your questions and/or comments.

Are YOU living the LIFE He died for YOU to have?
Spiritual Minister & Biblical Advocate

Real People, Real Problems,
Biblical solutions . . . even Supernatural solutions
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