Pooch Responds With High-Pitched Singing To Owner’s Whistling

6 years ago

A hilarious footage has emerged of a talented pooch singing along owner’s whistling in high-pitched tunes. Listen to how strong this dog’s pipes are! Incredible!

Have you ever wondered if dogs enjoy singing? This adorable video of a puppy singing with high-pitched voice to owner’s whistling will have you in stitches. In fact, this dog sings as response to his owner’s voice because it is music to his ears! So adorable!

Howling along with owner’s whistling might come as deafening, as the tunes this adorable pooch produces are high-pitched! Of course, the pooch is really trying to show off his impressive singing skills, but it seems that owner got more that he bargained for. The howling, or in this case, the impressive high notes might reveal a new singing star on the horizon. Seriously, this dog is a better singer than anyone expected him to be! What a voice!

Footage shows a puppy sitting in owner’s lap and enjoying a quiet evening at home until his owner starts whistling to him. Apparently, this triggers the spotlight for the talented pooch and he starts singing along. The moment his owner starts whistling, the pooch begins to raise his own voice and howls along the whistles as if he is trying to outspeak him. He really puts his heart and soul into the howls!

This loyal pooch is just eager to show his owner how serious he is about his whistles, as he seriously gets too personal with the howling. As the whistles progress the dog starts singing even louder and louder, making for one amusing video. This singing dog is guaranteed to brighten your day!

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