The Pagan of the Hellidays on the Gregorian calendar!

9 months ago

Here are some pagan holidays and their corresponding dates on the Gregorian calendar.

1. **Imbolc** (February 1-2) - Candlemas 🕯️❄️
2. **Ostara** (March 20-22) - Spring (Easter) Equinox 🌷🐰
3. **Beltane** (May 1) - May Day 🌺🔥
4. **Litha** (June 20-22) - Midsummer/Solstice ☀️🌿
5. **Lammas** (August 1) - Lammas/Lughnasadh 🌾🍞
6. **Mabon** (September 20-22) - Harvest Home/Autumn Equinox 🍂🍁
7. **Samhain** (October 31-November 1) - Halloween 🎃👻
8. **Yule** (December 20-22) - Christmas 🕯️🎄

These hellidays reflect ancient celebrations and often involve rituals, feasts, and gatherings to honor nature's cycles and the changing seasons.
That's correct! Lupercalia was indeed an ancient Roman festival held annually on February 15th. It was a significant event characterized by rituals involving animal sacrifice, purification, and fertility rites. Lupercalia was celebrated to honor the Roman god Lupercus, as well as to ensure fertility and purification.

The festival involved priests, known as Luperci, running through the streets of Rome, striking people with thongs made from the skins of sacrificed animals. This act was believed to purify and protect individuals from evil spirits and infertility. Additionally, Lupercalia included various forms of matchmaking and coupling rituals, often with a focus on promoting fertility and ensuring the well-being of the community.

While there are connections between Lupercalia and Valentine's Day, drawing from various historical, cultural, and religious influences. The association between Lupercalia and Valentine's Day! Bloody red valentines day is pagan!
Mothers Day is an ancient pagan ritual honored by the Greeks and Romans.
The Ancient Hebrews were punished severely by the Most High YHWH for honoring the Fathers Day god Baal.

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