
8 months ago

[Transitional Times Poem Collection]

At this time of year (June) there can be ‘confusion’ about the nature of being proud … arising under the banner of pride. I felt this creation may help with some of the confusion!!

This creation falls into my 'Transitional Times' poem category which contains 'a variety of Motivational and Commentary poems exploring issues of the time in Ireland and Worldwide' created to encourage consideration, reflection and faith, in ourselves, others and God.

For my creations completed to date from all Poem Collections, see Rumble “Louiseiology & Poetry” or

For more from my ‘Poem Collections’ or ‘Playlists’ see YouTube “Poetry From Me @ Louiseiology”

Please support and help ‘propagate’ by expressing a Like, Comment or Subscribe; Share a Poem or Channel link with family, friends or groups; or aid ongoing efforts with Buy Me A Coffee

Many thanks,

Poem wording:-


Proud to be Irish.
Proud to be alive and awake.
Proud that fellow countrymen
Are standing for “right’s” sake.

Ashamed of ‘pupitions’,
that sell their citizens short.
Saddened by the loss of life and health,
of those pressured through their claws.

Disgusted by the lies, and
the NGO’s tax funded
in the pursuit of woke.
Time now they be put broke.

Enough of UN and EU dictates
and no signing of supposed ‘treaty’,
by private funded WHO.
Let’s exit the EU, UN and WHO.

We’ve had enough dictates and
of their heeby jeepy WOO!
PS eff off also to NATO, let’s
stay neutral, through and through!

UN child sex education,
it’s an inappropriate
‘child grooming’ tool.
time now for new ‘school’ rules.

Proud to know what’s right and wrong.
Proud to stand with Irish men and women
Proud to wear the armour of God
and be protected from satan’s claws.

Proud to be heterosexual …
‘normal’ and so far ‘right’!!
Proud to say thanks God
Each and every day and night.

4th June 2024
Transitional Times Poem Collection

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