2 Corinthians Chapter 6 - Marianne Manley

9 months ago

Did the body of Christ begin at the cross, in Acts 2, or in Acts 9?
How can a believer be an enemy of the cross?
What is "the unclean thing"?
What is the doctrine of separation?
Why does Paul say that God can be our Father, isn't He already our Father?
Paul is a Father to all believers, but right dividers are especially useful to Him.
Paul is talking about not being yolked together with believers that are not Pauline, he is not talking about marriage (Paul already said that believers should only marry in the Lord in 1 Corinthians chapter 7), but that we should depart from ministers who are not following Paul.
Paul said in essence we tell you all the truth Christ has reveled to us because our heart is full of love for you. Paul knew that if they did not listen to him they would end up in spiritual darkness and ignorance of Christ's instructions us in mystery 1 Cor. 14:37, 38; 2 Tim. 2:15, 16.

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