8 months ago

Epic Rants: The Neo/New Zionist World Order - Who rules your Rulers? | Eustace Mullins (1923 - 2010) Epic Rant |
Topics: The One World Order, New World Order, Zionism, Jews, and more... The questions below are discussed in this presentation.

📌 "Anyone who opposes Israel is a terrorist." - Eustace Mullins

0:03:32 Who was Ezra Pound?
0:09:41 What are the consequences of the Federal Reserve System controlling the monetary system of the United States?
0:15:04 How was the Federal Reserve set up?
0:15:49 Why didn't the American people say something about it?
0:17:15 Why doesn't Congress control the money?
0:18:31 Is there any gold felt in Fort Knox?
0:19:47 What is the difference between a gold or silver-backed currency and a fiat currency?
0:20:42 What's wrong with paper money?
0:21:34 What is wrong with Central Banks?
0:26:17 What is the main mission of the Federal Reserve?
0:30:16 Is the United States government a corporate/banking criminal enterprise?
0:31:13 Is the U.S. Monetary System controlled by the Bank of England?
0:31:47 The One World Order
0:34:17 Why is it that people don't seem to care?
0:36:28 Why did America get involved in WWII?
0:38:02 Is there a difference between Carpetbaggers and Scallywags?
0:38:33 Was the United States ever a true Republic?
0:41:08 Where are the 'Articals' of Confederation located?
0:41:16 Who wrote, "The Federal Government has no power over any Citizens of the United States?"
0:43:20 Is the dictatorship of the Federal Government W. Bush is in office today?
0:45:05 Who financed Hitler's war?
0:45:54 How is the Bush family tied to WWII?
0:49:27 Can you talk about your boo 'The 5 Trillion Cold War Hoax?
0:51:53 Could George Bush be indicted for war crimes?
0:52:32 Could the Zionists make Geoge Bush a so-called leader for life?
0:54:55 Do you think Zionists are planning a war in the United States?
0:57:11 Who do the international bankers support for control?
0:58:14 What do the corporate bankers have to hide?
1:00:26 Who controls the United States Government today?
1:05:36 Does Israel control the foreign policy of the United States?
1:06:03 ZIONISM
1:07:20 Can Zionists destroy the world?
1:10:47 Was 9/11 an inside job?
1:12:15 The Protocols of the Elders of Zion
1:16:30 The Holocaust? and Ernst Zundel
1:18:41 Why was Ernst Zundel deported?
1:20:02 Is there a difference between a Jew and an Israeli?
1:20:40 Are Jews God's chosen people?
1:22:54 Is the CIA controlled by Zionists?
1:33:30 Jews
1:36:50 Who are the terrorists?
1:37:02 Who considers you to be an antisemite?

———About Eustace Mullins:———
Eustace Clarence Mullins Jr. (March 9, 1923 – February 2, 2010) was an American political writer, author, biographer, researcher, historian, and revisionist. Mullins was a protege/mentee/student of the poet and political activist Ezra Pound. He states that he frequently visited Pound during his period of incarceration in St. Elizabeth's Hospital for the Mentally Ill in Washington, D.C. between 1946 and 1959. Mullins claimed that Pound was being held as a political prisoner at the behest of President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Mullins' most notable work, Secrets of the Federal Reserve, was commissioned by Pound during this period, and written in consultation with George Stimpson, founder of the National Press Club.
Mullins alleged that several high-profile bankers had conspired to write the Federal Reserve Act for their own nefarious purposes, and then induced Congress to enact it into law.
➤ Notable work: ▸ The Secrets of the Federal Reserve (1952) ▸ The Biological Jew (1967)

——Eustace Mullins:————
• Website: 👉 https://www.eustacemullins.us/
📌 PDF: The World Order - A Study in the Hegemony of Parasitism (1985) - Eustace Mullins 👉 https://archive.org/details/pdfy-U2KGKF1O-8lR-Saj
📌 PDF: 'Murder By Injection' - Eustace Mullins: 👉 https://archive.org/details/murder-by-injection-eustace-mullins
📌 PDF: 'Secrets of the Federal Reserve Bank' - Eustace Mullins: 👉 https://archive.org/details/pdfy-LzPJrXY17uzk3bu9
📌 PDF 'The Secret Holocaust': https://archive.org/details/TheSecretHolocaust
📌 PDF: 'The Biological Jew': https://archive.org/details/eustace-mullins-the-biological-jew-1968
• (Audio Book): The Biological Jew (1967) 👉 https://odysee.com/@JustAudiobooks:0/The-Biological-Jew-%E2%80%94-Eustace-Mullins-(1967):b
• Eustace Mullins MP3 Archives (Revised Edition): 👉 https://archive.org/details/EustaceMullins-Mp3Archives1923-2010

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