Thr 6Jun24 Only ONE COW Needs to be Tested — Birx; Give Her a Lie Detector

9 months ago

(2:31) Don't Get Fooled Again by the WHO — conservatives are getting scared to death by GOP politicians and al-right media selling prepper products just like 4 yrs ago
WHO says Mexican man died from BirdFlu — NONSENSE
Gain-Of-FEAR just like spring of 2020
The holes in their story of the Mexican case
McCullough is pushed fear and product
Birx's long ties to Gates and other globalist organizations
(32:25) Listener's warning about societal breakdown in New Caledonia and other comments and questions
(47:07) A.I. Billionaires at War — With Each Other and The People
Bilderberg's biggest topic this year was AI
Bilderberg and the rise of 133 political leaders and the fall of a couple of them
Bilderberg regular, Alex Karp, wins Pentagon contract for AI for his company Palantir
The new DAGIR (Dagger) program — a sword of Damocles hanging over us
The surveillance state takes a leap forward as Pentagon awards AI contract to the Geospatial Intel company created by CIA's venture capital firm. How/when was Palantir put together and what is it's purpose?
Microsoft's partnership with Intel Community and Military Industrial Complex
Is AI so dangerous that we need to restrict development to a public/private partnership?
Or is AI just software and profits?
The fight within OpenAI for control and money
(1:29:37) INTERVIEW Saudis Abandon Petrodollar?
Tony Arterburn,, joins
Will Saudis officially abandon the petrodollar in the next couple of days
Financial foundations are shaking with countries moving to BRICS and away from the dollar as the world reserve currency
Accumulating gold and silver in small or large pieces
(2:12:48) United States of Babylon
Fed Grants to push atheism and San Francisco Porn Festival
FBI marches in Pride Parade, Memphis Police join Pride Parade
(2:16:37) Gen Z leaving church — can you blame them? The church abandoned God for a marketing outreach
WATCH Saddleback Virtual Reality Church
"Seeker Friendly" Feminism and LGBT
Julie Green has another "thus saith the Lord" — this time for Alex Jones
Trump gets another question about his relationship with God, this time about prayer
Heterosexual Awareness Month
(2:31:36) Children Are Gifts, Not Projects …but if they're a gift, who is the giver? A "supernatural force" or God?

(2:45:48) Ads, Antartica, and Alarmism for the Climate MacGuffin
Billionaires buy local politicians to push stricter NET ZERO — POLITICS IS LOCAL!
Ads on City Buses About Plane, Ship, and Car Travel Banned
The dire false UN prophecies about Antartica from decades ago
The earliest aerial photos of Antarctica found from nearly a century ago…guess what they show
Just as Mexico is trying to shut down all US gun manufacturers with frivolous lawfare, Hawaii is trying to do the same to fuel with lawfare

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