Jason Bermas - Globalists Prepare to Launch SKYNET AI. Jason long time Truth Film Maker, Researcher

4 months ago

Billiions have been injected as lab rats, nano- technology that can be activated. How ever will the public be able to realize this? A.I integrated INTO people.
Really get good at cleaning your blood.

Jason Bermas started out making Loose Change the film that woke up millions to the truth about the 911 False-flag attack. He did that film along with Dyan Avery who also recently made 'Seven' the film about World Trade Center Seven the 47 story Soloman Bld that was demolished at 5:28 P.M. on 9/11/01 that was not hit by a jet, many Americans are still in the dark about it. Look for 'Seven' and watch it to know more about how we got here. It is about the University of Alaska's Engineering dept forensic investigation of the collaspe of WTC 7 that proved NIST lied to us all.
Jason Bermas has courage for many years now. He is a good role model. Critical thinkers is what we need right now and courage!
Codes inside of people may now be controlled activated remotely using frequencies. Crazy as it can get. Get your blood cleaned!! Do not be in denial !!!

Operation Warp Speed that Trump Rolled out kicked the Transhumanism agenda into full speed. That Trump rolled out and is still supporting. Think about that. All those supporters who love him, most took the jabs, and their DNA , their human genome is now changed. Changed to what Hurari calls a Psy-Borg. And they are worshipping the man who did this to them! It blows my mind how that can be. The same with Biden supporters, he kept Trump's Operation Warp Speed on warp-speed.
A Nobel Prize should be given to the first world leader than bans-the-jab.

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