Conservatives, stop bullying each other into boycotts

8 months ago

I know I’ll get some flack for this, and that’s just fine, but conservatives and patriots: stop denigrating each other for still buying from [insert evil company here]. When you’re struggling just to put food on the table, you can’t afford to worry about the values of the companies from whom you purchase. That is a fact, and anyone who’s been there, knows it. Now, it’s my goal that as few Americans—especially as few patriots—as possible are in that position, but *it’s not the reality right now.* So let’s deal with actual reality, instead of pretending we’re going to bully each other into a new one.
Moreover, no conservative is perfect. Sure, we know about and might boycott Bud Light and Target. But most of us would be SHOCKED to discover the things we’re regularly supporting with our dollars. Does this mean don’t boycott Target or Bud Light because “it’s all a wash anyway”? No, it doesn’t. But it means: recognize that you aren’t perfect, before you denigrate your fellow imperfect patriot or conservative. And also recognize that you don’t know what type of sacrifice is financially feasible for another person or family. Yes, we’re all going to have to sacrifice greatly to take our country back (most of us already have), but not everyone can currently make the same level of sacrifice. On a scale of boycott difficulty, Bud Light is a relatively easy one—although technically you should also be concerned about any product or brand sold by their parent company, and that makes it much more challenging; but the point is: it’s easy to give up light beer. It’s much more challenging to give up a one-stop shop where you can get all your essential goods at a relatively affordable price. Now that doesn’t mean it’s not worth replacing that one-stop shop with a company—or more likely, several—that aligns with your values—it absolutely is worth it. It’s just more difficult and also *not within everyone’s means right now.*
I’m proud of the ways in which I’ve sacrificed thus far. I’ve used my voice—online and off. I’ve taken the heat for almost 4 years and lost friends and relationships. I stood up to covid restrictions in one of the most heavily restricted and longest-restricted areas in the nation; I lost jobs and relationships and opportunities because of that. I didn’t make a fake vaccine card just to go along to get along. I stood on principle. So while I might not currently be able to vote quite as much with my dollar, I have made many sacrifices—and look forward to making many more, especially as the Lord blesses me with more abundance and means (and that doesn’t just mean financial).
Point is: we none of us are perfect. We DO need to band together and mimic the organization and cohesion of the left. But we won’t get there by denigrating each other—especially those living paycheck to paycheck. We have a long road ahead of us, and alienating a fellow patriot because he still shops at a distasteful company is going to make us fail and burn out very quickly.

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