Has America Forgotten Why D-Day? - Trumpet Daily | June 6, 2024

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[00:30] America on the 80th Anniversary of D-Day (47 minutes)
On the 80th anniversary of the D-Day invasion, the United States of America today is a much different nation from the one that united behind the war effort and sent thousands of soldiers to Normandy to save Western civilization. America today is bitterly divided along partisan lines. Federal agencies created to defend democracy are now weaponizing the legal system for politically motivated warfare against a former president. Illegal immigrants are pouring across the southern border, creating a national security crisis and burdening the already overloaded economy. What has happened to the United States of America?

[47:20] News of the Work: Dinesh D’Souza Visit (5 minutes)

[52:10] Celtic Throne Feedback (3 minutes)

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