Taking the Kingdom of God by Force... Jesus explains ❤️ The Great Gospel of John thru Jakob Lorber

7 months ago

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Taking the Kingdom of God by Force… Jesus explains

THE GREAT GOSPEL OF JOHN – Volume 7, Chapters 129

Revealed by Jesus Christ thru the inner Word to Jakob Lorber

1. Thereupon the magician said: “O Lord, how is that even possible, how can a weak and insignificant man use force and seize the Kingdom of God? And then there remains the question of where the true Kingdom of God may even be found, and if man could even touch and seize it!”

2. Said I: “Within this short timeframe of but a few hours, you have already heard so many things and even recognized Me, and yet you still do not know what the Kingdom of God is and what it consists of?

3. The complete adherence to the recognized will of God is the true Kingdom of God within you. And yet, knowing God’s will does not make it as simple to obey as you imagine, for the people of the world resist it and persecute those who truly wish to attain the Kingdom of God. Therefore, he who seeks to fully possess the Kingdom of God must not fear those who can only kill the body of man, but cannot harm the soul. Rather, man must fear God who, by His eternally unchangeable order, may even cast the soul into hell!

4. He who fears God more than men, despite the persecution he might suffer at their hands, does the will of God. He is the one who seizes the Kingdom of God with force. And whoever does so, will certainly attain it.

5. There is something else that belongs to the seizing of the Kingdom of God with force as well, namely that man must practice the deepest possible self-denial concerning all the things of the world, forgiving all those who offend him with all his heart, bearing no grudge or anger against anyone, praying for those who curse him, doing good to those who harm him, not exalting himself over others, bearing the temptations that come upon him from time to time with patience, and refraining from gluttony, licentiousness, harlotry and adultery. He who practices all these things will seize the Kingdom of God with force.

6. However, he who recognizes God, venerating and loving Him above all, and his fellowmen as himself, but simultaneously venerating and fearing the world, not daring to openly declare My name, as this might bring him some worldly disadvantage; he does not seize the Kingdom of God with force and will fail to attain it completely in this world, and in the beyond he will have to endure many struggles until he is perfected.

7. He who now knows and believes that I am the promised Messiah must do what I teach, have taught and will still continue to teach. Otherwise, he is not worthy of Me and I will not be particularly helpful to him in the development of his inner life. I am the life of the soul through My Spirit within it, called the love for God. Thus, he who loves God above all and thereby His will as well, his soul is brimming with My spirit, and that is the perfection of the eternal life of the soul.

8. However, if someone knows Me and yet still fears the world, saying to himself: ‘Yes, I fully recognize the Messiah and secretly believe everything that He is teaching, and I even live according to it, but because the world is as it is and one must live by it, on the outside I will not show the world what I confess within myself, so no one may speak ill of me’, one such as this does not really confess My being and My name, and he still does not possess the true and living love for God. In this way the fullness of God’s Kingdom will hardly become part of him, for it consists in the highest love for God, and this love has no fear of the world.

9. He who confesses Me before the world – when this is necessary – I will confess him before the Father in Heaven as well. However, he who does not confess Me before the world – when this is necessary – I will not confess him before the Father in Heaven either.”

10. Thereupon the magician asked at once: “Lord, then who is Your Father, and where is Heaven? Can You, as the Lord of eternity, have a Father?”

11. Said I: “The eternal Love within God is the Father, and His infinite Wisdom is Heaven.

12. Whosoever loves God above all else confesses God and thus Me before the whole world, and I confess him in My love, and therein consists the true, eternal life of the soul of man. And because, through this living love for God, man must attain the highest wisdom, which is Heaven or the Kingdom of God, man has thereby attained the Kingdom of God within himself as well, which cannot be taken from him ever again. This have I now explained to you all. Remember it, write it down in your hearts and live accordingly, then you will have the eternal and true life within yourselves. But now allow Me some rest and think on what I have told and shown you now!”

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