JAM INTO INFINITY a 16 Year Old Erik Plott I’m on Guitar

7 months ago

Source Instagram here https://www.instagram.com/reel/C70yixBOfa-/

Plott PLOTS COMEBACK! ASTONISHING THROW BACK- a young 16 year old Erik Plott jamming one of his own compositions back in the day called “
Jam Into Infinity ~KAZWEH “~ origins VIDOE link YouTube here https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UzqlLzfsoNw&pp=ygUbVGhla2F6d2VoIGphbSBpbnRvIGluZmluaXR5

Then ends with recent 2024 #ErikGeoffreyVonLeonardoPlott

Guitar solo by Plott recent here https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7Lko5DOcr2/?igsh=MTFjZDh0aGF1aWlraA==
Happiest nation guitar solos

Latest guitar pieces by Erik here
Cowboy hat here


Nike hat https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7Lumf4u-oh/?igsh=eXZ3M2Vva3FsY3Nw

Careless whisperer

Jamming around here


Party dream song solo jam


Heavy metal song https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7TnR2-O8nh/?igsh=dHJndXNzMWt6Y3Fr

Dream guitar song


JAM INTO INFINITY # https://www.instagram.com/reel/C70yixBOfa-/?igsh=MXd2NHR3cHUwNzBqZw==

Erikk Plott wore masks and raiden rice hat for this reason to not have people know who he was, he never wanted to become famous or a celebrity because he knew once you did then you could never go back and they use you as a puppet no matter what the narrative you were never a real artist anymore but a “industry pet genius” as he called them. And he said this

“Hey I just saw this. We are so connected. We are like chicks with the moon

But we are men with the black sun

And I think the rice hat is somewhere. I was young man. I did that to hide my identity while on parole

So my parole officer didn’t know I was playing with my band in bars and such

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