9 months ago

Welcome to the New Creative Society! Otherwise known as the New Earth Consciousness! Keep in mind that the reason why we are witnessing so much EXPOSURE and destruction of the Globalist Satanic (Deep State) Elite is to give way to the transitioning of the New Earth Society.

All of the exposure of Covid19, Big Pharma, Medical Industry, Public Schools, Dept of Justice, Election Fraud, Hollyweird, Music Industry, IRS, CIA, FBI, NSA, etc... has been carefully and systematically exposed and slowly taken down or replaced for crimes against humanity.

One way that will revolutionize our lifestle and be available to all people is called the Replicator. It's about the size of a large microwave and/or large cubard for larger replications. It works according to the laws of physics. For example, let's take a lobster, or a cellphone, or a shirt which appear completely different. But when we look at them on a micro level, we can see that they are made up of the same elementary particles where they are arranged in a different way. These particles form adams, and adams form molecules. Due to a given combination of particles we get either a lobster, or a cellphone or a t-shirt.

Do you remember watching the cartoon show called "The Jetsons" where they could call each other through a Zoom technology, their AI Household Robot, their flying cars, and their microwave replicator, just to name a few? Well my friends, that is what in LEGAL terms is called a NOTICE. You see according to the Powers that Be, they always have to give the public a NOTICE, even it seems Stranger than Fiction.

Welcome to The Great Awakening of our New Earth Society!

Join us to take back our beloved Country from the Satanic Deep State Cabal!

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