Article 4863 Video - International Public Notice: "Sovereign" Debt By Anna Von Reitz

8 months ago

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Article 4863 Video - International Public Notice: "Sovereign" Debt - Wednesday, June 5, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

Upon first entering the weird world of international banking one remarks upon several very odd circumstances, one of which is that all the rich Jews keep their money in Muslim banks, all the rich Catholics keep their money in Templar Banks, and all the rich Protestants are forced to use Jewish Banks.


Jews cannot collect usury from fellow Jews.

Muslims cannot collect usury from fellow Muslims.

Christians can't collect usury from anyone -- so they hire Templars and Jews to do it for them.

So Jews lend at interest to Muslims and Christians. Muslims lend at interest to Christians and Jews, and hypocritical Christians from both Catholic and non-Catholic denominations lend at interest through Jewish and Templar Banks.

Templars are not Christians. They are part of the ancient Mystery Babylon cult and can lend at interest to anybody.

This, like the organizational structure of the Swiss Octagon Group, suggests collusion of the Nuclear Détente kind between differing factions running competing bank networks throughout the world.

If one member of the Swiss Octagon group goes down, so do all the others. So they are highly motivated to shore each other up by whatever means are possible.

Similarly, the banking hegemonies created by the anti-usury prohibitions of the Bible create traditional spheres of influence and business activity and dictate where you put your money for investment purposes.

Against this backdrop we add the concept of "sovereign" debt. The sovereigns of Europe were all created by the Catholic Church and are all at least superficially Christian. And hypocrites to the bone, of course, they wanted to maximize their worldly fortunes by lending at interest --- usury.

But their faith forbade it.

Enter the Court Jew, who could lend his money to the sovereign at interest and also, as an agent, lend the sovereign's money at interest to anyone else.

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