[Eng Dub]Let's Play Peter Pan - Okashi na Shima no Sweet Neverland Prologue pt2 PSP by Quinrose

9 months ago

I translated it fully for the entire Prologue, which is 1200 pages long and so will be several hours my friends. I will release at least two videos for it a week. This is the first of two and ended on just page 194. This gives you an idea how long the game will be. After the Prologue, I should have part of Hook's route already translated as I did the full 1200 pages in two days.

{Woohoo! This is another of their fairy-tale like otome games, I adore all of them and they are out of print collectibles that I own. This channel is for my non-Alice Quinrose games and the SWD out of print games I may release that I owned here. Enjoy, I plan to translate this one soon in pieces along with a few others. Here you can fall for all the Peter Pan Guys and do it as you're kidnapped to Neverland with your bros to judge a baking competition put on by that world, heheheheh.}

Disclosure: Quinrose went bankrupt in 2015 and all their digital games were pulled, they do not make money off these anymore and can't be purchased except as used collectible items for PSP. I own physical all the games I post screenshare of on my channels and most you can see un-boxed in my vlogs for that. Thanks for watching, Quinrose was my favorite otome developer and deserved more notice.

I'm transferring my videos that are public on YT under same name and my other Channel Sierra Herb there onto here. Too much annoying drama there. I have a discord and you can reach me at my server if interested in more things like this that got server cut. I saver and archive them for when off the market and out of print for games I play/bought physical. I mainly do JP PSP & vita games. Though have up hundreds from SWD that got deleted, they're on my channel with YT until I get them moved.

My discord is linked to only my channel pages on YT right now too.

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