George Orwell and "Animal Farm" | Free Critical Analysis Essay Sample

9 months ago

The paper analyses George Orwell's "Animal Farm", plot and author's ideas.
It concludes that George Orwell manages to highlight the fact that the biggest political problem is not capitalism but authoritarian rules. Whether under capitalism of socialism authoritarianism is inevitable this is because of the insatiable nature of human beings. The novel The Animal Farm will continue to be relevant for eons to come it.

Original essay:

Paper Type: Essay, Critical Writing
Majors: Literature & Languages, British Literature
Pages: 6
Language: English US
Paper Topic: Animal Farm Essay
Words: 1714

Works Cited
Darrell, Victor. Plot Summary: Animal Farm, by George Orwell. N. d. Web.
Dedria, Bryfonski & Hall, Sharon.Twentieth century literary criticism: George Orwell. Michigan: Book Tower. 1979. Print.
“Grade saver.” Animal Farm Themes. 2010. Web.
Hall, Sharon & Poupard, Dennis. Twentieth Century Literary Criticism. Michigan: Book Tower,1982. Print.
Kerala, Calling. From Eric Blair to George Orwell, Biography. London: Sage, 2003. Print.
“NovelGuide.” Novel Analysis: Animal Farm, Characterization. 2010. Web.
Pearce, Robert. ‘Orwell, Tolstoy, and ‘Animal Farm’. The Review of English Studies, 1998. Web.
Storgaard, Claus. Opinion Essays : George Orwell, Socialist, Anarchist or what…? 2004. Web.

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