Lesley Stahl--60 Minutes Propagandist

8 months ago

Many of us remember when 60 Minutes was respected and trusted. That all went out the window for the 2020 election in order to stop Orange Man Bad (OMB).

Let's be clear. There was NEVER any evidence or sound reason to doubt the veracity of the Hunter Biden laptop. Knowing that this story would lose the election for Biden, it had to be stopped.

The most in-your-face evidence of gaslighting is right here. The "can't be verified" lie was repeated, then the absurd "all the marks of Russian disinformation" lie was formulated, signed on to by 51 intelligence officials that all knew they were lying, but had to stop OMB.

Now in June of 2024 no one doubts the laptop is real. It was just entered into evidence in the Hunter Biden show trial.

When 60 minutes became a propaganda outlet for the Leftists, the main stream media as a trusted source of news was done.

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